Introducing the Identity Iceberg: Revealing Your Business's Core Values

Let's delve into the fascinating concept of the Identity Iceberg—a tool that has been crafted to help guide you in uncovering your business's core values in a friendly, yet professional manner.

While there's a whole process that can further aid you in unlocking those core values and comprehending how they shape your business (through our Core Values workshop!), we're excited to share the essence of this program with you right here.

As Gandhi once wisely put it, "Our values are showcased by our actions and behavior." The Identity Iceberg concept takes this wisdom and gives it structure, enabling you to translate those values into actionable steps within your business.

Contact us if you would like to book a Core Values workshop for your business.

Navigating the Identity Iceberg: A Step-by-Step Approach

Let's break down how to use this insightful tool in a relaxed, yet business-oriented way.

  1. Begin by drawing a horizontal line across the upper third of your page—think of it as the surface of the ocean.

  2. Now, sketch the tip of an iceberg peeking above the waterline. This visible part signifies the actions you take—what others see. And guess what? These actions are driven by the concealed elements beneath.

  3. Proceed to draw the rest of the iceberg, extending below the water's surface until the page's bottom. This submerged area represents your habits—the things you do almost automatically. Changing habits isn't a cakewalk, but it's absolutely achievable. People say it takes around 21 repetitions to establish a new habit, but don't sweat the exact number; the key is embracing change.

Diving Deeper into Your Thought Patterns

Your thoughts play a crucial role in shaping your habits. So, if you're aiming to switch up a habit—let's say, curbing the tendency to initiate sentences with "No but" or "However" (we've all been there)—your initial step is to align your thinking with becoming a more effective leader. Then, practice the new behaviour consistently until it becomes second nature.

Now, shifting your thoughts? That's a whole different ball game, trickier than changing habits. As you journey down the iceberg, the challenge intensifies.

Beliefs: These are sturdy constructs that are not easily swayed. They stem from your values.

Values: Your values serve as the foundation for your beliefs. These are the principles we're taught from a young age to guide our decision-making.

Identity: Here lies the bedrock. Your identity is an amalgamation of your life experiences, upbringing, and personal growth. Altering your identity is a mountain to climb.

Unveiling the Heart of Core Values

So, why the pursuit of Core Values? Because they encapsulate the essence of your business—the ingrained thoughts and beliefs. Your aim is to bring these values to the surface through your actions.

Bear in mind, Core Values are deeply rooted and non-negotiable (trust us, attempting to alter them is like going against your very nature). Given their concealed nature, you must create opportunities for them to shine.

In a nutshell, you're making the intangible tangible, allowing your team, customers, and suppliers to gain a clearer understanding of your business's principles and purpose.

Book Your Core Values Workshop

Our popular workshop will bring your team together to identify your core values, understand how these are important to your business and more… Contact us to find out and book your Core Values workshop.


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